Thursday, October 30, 2008

it's almost time...

we passed the 3 month mark last week with no real bang other than me getting sick. but, yes, we are down to less than 3 months. *yikes* *yay* i can't decide! tee hee... more yay than yikes!

anywho, i'm full swing into my bubble project. i need to finish another couple of packs of those.. so cute! learsi saw them and was like, "wow, nani... look at you!" and, we got our wedding favors *too cute*, and senor chris is working on those. yes, we're very hands on! next task that needs to start is the centerpieces. we have to glue stuff to things.. plus find the tall candles. they have them at micheals, but i'm still hoping i can find them cheaper elsewhere. eh, i'm sure it'll be okay. and, i need to ask my dad about making a card box. "why?", you ask? because i think it'll be cool.

but the big thing... invitation preparations. we have them, now we have to organize ourselves and start the tedious job of addressing them. i just wish we had all the addresses. but we're almost there! i'm actually quite impressed by all that we have done so far. oh, i need to call more people about hotel room blocks. yes, those of you who chose to stay out in santa maria will have a nice array of places to stay at!

oh.. the biggest thing of all: we need a place to live! keep praying!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chick you're crazy. But soo fun! If you need help gluing let me know! i love glue... It tastes so good haha Amy's student I tell ya...