Wednesday, September 28, 2011

you get another letter...

while this post if more about me whining about my tooth having to come out, i'll give you a tidbit of baby for your fill... her first initial is d. DSO. that's her name. well for you anyway. i'm convinced that chris and i need to start saving for her future as a gymnast. at least, that's what it feels like her future will be.... i'm guess that everything is still okay considering my outrageous 4 full on meals yesterday, and that HORRIBLE heartburn last night. seriously. worse than morning sickness. it made me go back to my "this may the the only kid you ever get..." mentality. but, you know, i made it through. maybe not so many enchiladas for dinner next time?? but they were soooooooooo goooooooood....

okay. to my tooth. i'm coming out tomorrow. i've pretty much come to terms with it. but i'm still freaked out. mostly because i don't like pain. when i told my friend amy's mom that i was probably still gonna be curled up in a corner by monday, she said, "and what do you think is gonna happen when that baby comes out?" chris told her that i was looking at this as some sort of prep. she laughed.... but yeah. it'll be okay. i know it will be. then come thursday night, it'll be all over with, and i'll just look forward to after DSO comes and they can put me to sleep for the rest of them to come out.

ugh, total suck.

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