Wednesday, August 20, 2008

who blogs anyway


if astrid can blog.. i guess i can too. oh, don't be bothered by my lack of capital letters. i get too lazy to make my pinky reach for the caps key. and, i think it's been going on so lone that people expect be to type in all lower case letters.

anywho, i may have something else appear soon. but for now, this is all you get.



aj said...

ok what's up with this uber pink page.. i'll allow one blogger with a pink page.. jk seriuosly though if i can blog dogs can blog.. cuz it took me like two yrs and three random lost blogs out in cyberspace to finally stick.. welcome to the fam

aj said...

oh i forgot go to the gym today... i'll go too because support starts with action.. so there you have to go now

Anonymous said...

I'm a trend setter!! How exciting! I'm glad to see you here. Have fun blogging!!