Tuesday, September 2, 2008

one more thing off the list... kind of

i finally turned in all of my stuff for my passport last friday!!! yay for me... except i should have done it sooner... so, no real celebration.

anywho, they had to take my picture again because the lady said that my picture would not work... my bangs were covering too much of my face. i should have known. i moved my part because the side bangs were getting a little long and thick. i think it looks much bette now.

any... back to my story. i lke this picture better. i'm smiling and i look cute and everything. so, hopefully i'll be getting that back soon. then, we can get our tickets for the honeymoon (!!!). although, i'm already getting a little freaked out about having to fly so far... i'm not a huge fan of flying. i usually spend my whole vacation thinking about how i have to get in a plane to fly home. but, i'm way excited!

can i just say, i'm really excited to get married. so far, planning this wedding is becoming the most dramatic and stressful thing. and that has nothing to do with things that need to get done for the wedding.... it's everything else. and, i don't even know how many times i've asked chris if we can just go to the courthouse... but, i'm really happy. i'm really excited for everything after january 24th... i'm really looking forward to februaury!



Anonymous said...

Hang in there girlie...you can make it!

amy said...

Yea for checking things off the list!! Weddings are always drama of one type or another. Try to enjoy it, and the court house is not the answer!